Wednesday, April 10, 2013


It's been a while since I wrote a Worship song. Didn't serve in the worship ministry for about 2 years plus due to my teaching schedules and was unable to go for the worship practices on Thursday nights and Saturday afternoons. One Sunday, after service, James Foo, a good brother and a talented pianist ask me whether I can play the piano for Sunday worship. I said I need to arrange my time. He sent me an email of the roster and the 2 days that I am suppose to play. I decided to make arrangement so that I can go for the practices and I think I should be able to manage that.

Subsequently, Ee-Tan, a sister in Christ and worship leader asked me to join the Worship ministry gathering on the 6th April '13. Somehow I agreed to go. I had a great time with fellowship, the ice breaking session and sharing by Pastor Marvin. Got carried away playing and singing with my brother and sisters in Christ before I went home. It was a meaningful day to me.

After coming back I was so inspired to write a worship song to God. That Saturday night, well almost midnight, I just made it a point to On my PC, my Synthesizer, mixer,sound modules, speaker, setup a mic and was ready to work on this song. It was rather strange as I was quite lost at first on how the song should sound like. It was Writer's Block. Just couldn't make up my mind. I actually almost gave up and thought I just sing a common worship song.

I prayed for a while and I started to write what was in my heart and the lyrics came. The music came. And finally about 5:00 am I manage to finish the song. I started to record it live playing the synthesizer. Finished everything about 6:30 am I guess. I wanted to write a second verse but I was too tired and wasn't really satisfied with the recording. Anyway, I just want to share this first.


My God is real and that's why I worship Him. He gives me strength and that's why I praise him. He has given countless blessings to me and family. Let everything that has breath praise You Lord.

Hirohiko@David Cha